TECHNO-4 DEMEAU: Demonstration of promising technologies to address emerging pollutants in water and waste water
DEMEAU is to promote the uptake of knowledge, prototypes and practices from previous EU research enabling the water and waste water cycle sector to face emerging pollutants.
Project partners
- KWR Water B.V.
- Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin gemeinnützige GmbH (KWB)
- Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz (FHNW)
- Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag)
- Veolia Environnement Research & Innovation (VERI)
- Centro Tecnologico del Agua, Fundación Privada (CETaqua) Ecologic Institute
- aquatune
- Rood Wit Blauw Water Services (RWB)
- Van Remmen UV Techniek B.V.
- Amphos21 Consulting S.L.
- Hydor Consult GmbH
- Cordouan Technologies (COR)
- Sigrist-photometer AG
- BioDetection Systems b.v (BDS)
- Quantis International
Time scale
September 2012 to August 2015
Emerging pollutants are identified as one of the major future challenges for water treatment being subject of many European research projects (TECHNEAU, AQUAREC, RECLAIM, NEPTUNE, SECUREAU and TESTNET). These projects produced a suite of novel technologies and practices such as treatment, monitoring and detection technologies. Despite the novelty and potential to address some of the major challenges of the water sector, many of these technologies have not reached the status of widespread uptake in practices and policies. Objective of DEMEAU is to promote the uptake of these knowledge, prototypes and practices enabling the water and waste water cycle sector to face emerging pollutants. Next to the demonstration of the selected technologies, DEMEAU will address barriers and promoters for implementation and exploitation. This will stimulate a broader implementation and exploitation of the technologies.
IWW is responsible for WP 2.3 which is to demonstrate an automatic neural net control system (ANCS) for improved operation of membrane based water treatment plants. Further on, IWW is partner in WP 5.1 which aims to comprehensively and holistically asses the sustainability profiles of promising new water technologies. This is to quantify potential benefits in environmental and economic terms to foster uptake and implementation of emerging technologies by the water sector and to identify key application areas based on a unique selling proposition (USP) for each of the technologies. Task of IWW in this WP is to assess the economics via Life Cycle Costing (LCC).
- Mülheim Water Award 2024 open for submissions4. December 2023 - 15:27
- In preparation